Motzfeldt Placer Potential

A new exploration licence 2021-17 has been taken out by Stallion Resources. This allows for targeting of shallow placer potential.

The Main Valley and Motzfeldt Lake define a 35 km long “channelway” through which sediments from the area, tributary valleys and glaciers are being pushed through.

A programme is planned for this year to sample 4 traps where there is significant potential for heavy mineral  accumulations.

Recent glacial erosion of the glaciofluvial deposits could have exposed lower sediment horizons, this may expose potential placer mineralisation. Target minerals will be fine grained with higher density than the host sediments.

The objective of future field exploration will be to define areas where the lower sediment layers are exposed

The channel (shown in red) for sediment transport through the Motzfeldt Centre, with important sediment contributions from tributary valleys and glaciers.

The overall placer targets in the Main Valley  which cover a total area of 7.8km²